Author Archives: FLX



The GPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Assembly) just voted YES on divestment in a 16-1 vote! Now, three of Cornell’s elected assemblies – the GPSA, the Student Assembly, and the Faculty Senate – have voiced their support for divesting the school’s endowment from fossil fuels, and strengthening our commitment to sustainability on campus and beyond. Like and Share to show the administration that they can’t ignore our voices anymore!

A big shoutout to the resolution sponsors: Tim Sorg, Christine Ya, Nicole Baran, Franziska Doerflinger, Gregory Fedorchak, Jay Mahat, and Lucia Munguia and our friend Jeff Bergfalk, who’s put a lot of effort into passing this resolution!

Ithaca based Park foundation one of 17 foundations to divest $1.8B from fossil fuels

“Seventeen foundations controlling nearly $1.8 billion in investments have united to commit to pulling their money out of companies that do business in fossil fuels, the group announced on Thursday.”


More on the Faculty Senate vote

Read this article featuring members of the faculty senate and our own David Beavers discussing divestment, Cornell, and climate change.

“Amongst the Ivy League Universities, we’re the only land-grant institution, and we have a chartered responsibility for reaching out to the public at large. … Ezra Cornell never intended for the University to be an ivory tower. Cornell was built to be involved with the world.” – Professor David Shalloway



Faculty_senate_meme Faculyt_senate_vote

The Cornell Faculty Senate has just voted YES by a vote of 46-13 to support divestment of the University’s endowment from fossil fuels! The administration can no longer ignore the collective voices of students and faculty. Thank you to all the amazingly supportive students, faculty and staff for bringing us one step closer to making sure our money doesn’t support the socially and environmentally destructive practices of the fossil fuel industry!

#REJECTIONDENIED: Boston Fossil Fuel Divest Action

On the eve of Cornell’s Faculty Senate vote, we draw inspiration from the divestment campaigns at Boston area schools.